California Food Handler Safety Regulations and Guidelines

The top 3 causes of foodborne illness attributed to food preparation and service handlers are: poor personal hygiene, improper holding temperatures, and improper cooling procedures.

Since the majority of foodborne illnesses are attributed to food service handlers, and the top contributing factors are related to handlers behavior, the importance of the training food handlers receive is critical.

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To comply with California Law, every retail food facility has requirements for Food Handlers and Certified Food Managers and must ensure that:

  1. At least one (1) employee be certified in food safety by passing an approved Food Safety Certification examination. Each retail food establishment must also have at least one Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) as required in CalCode – Section 113945.
  2. All employees involved in the preparation, storage or service of food in a food facility must obtain a food handler card. The California Food Handler Card requirement is specified in CalCode – Sections 113790 and 113948.
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Who does California food handler training rules apply to?
Food Handlers – As defined in Section 113790 of California Retail Food Code (CalCode):

  • 113790. (a) “Food handler” means an individual who is involved in the preparation, storage, or service of food in a food facility, as defined in subdivision (b), other than an individual holding a valid food safety certificate issued pursuant to Section 113947.3 or an individual involved in the preparation, storage, or service of food in a temporary food facility, as defined in Section 113930.
    Source: California Retail Food Code – CalCode (PDF

California Food Safety Course, Rules, Regulations and Guidelines

California Code (Cal Code) requirements for Food Handlers and Certified Food Managers:

The California Food Handler Card law is designed to ensure that restaurant employees receive a reasonable level of training in food safety practices to reduce the potential for foodborne illness. Food handlers must have a California Food Handler Card 30 days from the date of hire.